1.remove the free sp from quest.
2.remove lower gear lvl restriction.
3.make the exp back to normal . lol ! in 1 day player can reach lvl50 thats disappointed so easy to lvl that way.
4.we need mod there so much drama and rules breaking.
5.no more short pvpround .
6.dont be generous in rewards Lol especially drag title now is common .no more rare this day.

20-05-28 08:38

when pvp same martis pvp cannot move area for more time

20-05-28 07:58

I posted this idean in other your announcement
#make new magic scroll the effect is can double /threeple stat of title magic scroll but this not scrollable with scroll (II)
this can be exclusive magic scroll.You make too many title magic scroll and that not enough,

20-05-28 07:12

Credit and honor rewards since it's gpvp but mythic recs instead of epic ones since most players already have full epic rarity - excluding lvl140 recs.
Can you give top class rankers exclusive gears same as when you gave out wendigo rings and King's ring- it made everything more worthwhile during those rounds
Pure str or pure wisdom scroll would be awesome

20-05-28 06:42