[Gaia PvP #59] Black Diamond Dragon Hunt
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project_red: "no impactfull"
20-06-06 04:07
itadaki_pusa: Hi
20-06-06 04:21
federer: No barb damage improve
20-06-06 09:46
uncrowned_diablo: Why change features so late in the game again - people have planned already and now everything is messed up again. And why is there still no complete announcement? Are we a joke to you

Late hunt mob announcement and the mob is overpowered. 8m hp with those stats seriously? Is that scroll stronger than royal dragon ms ?
20-06-06 21:38
blackmamba_: *Barbs will get higher damage boost

Barb: :F:F:F
20-06-07 03:41
abelard: Bad Round, you can't keep what u promises to us
20-06-07 19:46
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