Ideas For Gaia PvP #61
nightshadows: I say no extra sp except for from buying creds and no transfering of creds between servers. Also ban anyone attempting to buy or sell credits between servers to many players get scammed that way and it hurts the server overall. Lastly allow crafting of class titles for instance x3 druid V scrolls make druid VI scroll and same for all other classes since you if you were unluckly could litterally use random ms forever and not get a class VII title :)
20-07-09 19:44
atouna-tufoole: 10Sp/1Quest
20-07-09 18:29
milky-arina: 10Sp/1Quest
20-07-09 18:28
holy1: I think 2-3 gpvp round ago Amazon dominated, g#60 round assassin's dominated... There's imbalance between classes...
Enjoyed last round though
20-07-09 18:14
heyitsme: gear lvl reqs decreased why not allow getting title higher than the current lvl from scrolling like a lvl 70 getting ghost behe ms
20-07-09 17:59
the_jockers: 1# once you made a decision off update/nerf or whatever else stick with it and do that when the round starts not afther a few days or halfway.2# druids need an upgrade just inaf to allow them to enter top seen the top 1# druid this round has acvieved a measly 27# rank and that says something...and thats the case only for rounds in wich end game lvling involves aurora monsters or super monsters PALADINS require a nerf...the paladins 1# this round managed and not just him managed to win(very easy might i add) against lord of thunder(2nd best exp mob from world) and fallen archangel(nr1 best exp mob) wearing 2 PIECED ITEMS and 3 legendary items that were also average just saying, if balance is what you want that class is smt i call monster lvling.. 3# remove credits from rewards..some agree with me some will cuss but too many creds isnt 2/3 rounds of no credit as rewards with credit transfer off then allow credit transfer i belive thats fair and will also remove some off the extra creds from the game 4# remove the pvp map block and yes i know you had your reasons to add it but you reduced the ability of all clases to deal damage over hp max and beat max damage i seen this round was 300/400k thats ok so the timer and the fear of 1/2 hit kill is gone thus the timer became a nuisance. Good work!
20-07-09 17:52
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