Got Ideas For New Bosses?
psycokiller: The fourth horsemen of the Apocalypse:

Horseman of conquest

Dex: 95000
Wis: 350000
Dmg: 100000 - 500000
Armor: 100000
Prot. From water, fire and earth: 85%
Prot. From air: 95%

Spell: Wind's Whisper
class: air
Deals Dmg, increases Dex, Dmg and armor

Horseman of Death

Dex: 75000
Wis: 450000
Dmg: 250000 - 750000
Armor: 125000
Prot from earth, fire and air: 85%
Prot from water: 95%

Spell: Storm's Fate
class: water
Deals Dmg, increases both Dex and Dmg, and lowers player's Dex

Horseman of War

Dex: 67500
Wis: 250000
Dmg: 250000 - 650000
Armor: 200000
Prot from water, air and earth: 85%
Prot from fire: 95%

Spell: Fire's Wrath
Class fire
Deals Dmg, increases both Dex and Dmg, and lowers player's Dmg

Horseman of Famine

Dex: 80000
Wis: 500000
Dmg: 150000 - 500000
Armor: 175000
Prot from water, fire and air: 85%
Prot from earth: 95%

Spell: Earth's Might
class earth
Deals greater Dmg, increases both Dex and Dmg.

Everyone shares the same health (idk, 1 million is too high? Maybe higher if needed xd)

Spell damage will be 500 - 2000 (750 - 3000 for the earth variant)

It can give as a drop recipe for exclusive weapons, but it has to be rare.
Also, if Dreamer wants, special rewards can be any of the spells mentioned, or a weaker variant.
20-08-21 21:04
bararenda: Luchifer:
Damage: 49.999-99.999
Spell: bloodlust thunderbolt
20-08-21 20:41
assassy-in: Black Dragon's Offspring
20-08-21 20:26
nightshadows: I like soul_devil and psycokiller ideas make them all and with horsemen give top 20 in challenge a piece of exclusive gear that comes in 3 pieces so person has to get top 20 in 3 challenges or can sell or trade piece and let each player choose what gear slot they want item to be. If they choose weapon or shield then let them choose what class item will come from since be pointless to get exclusive axe when you prefer bow and quiver or dual weild
20-08-21 19:41
black-guard: Security SSL must be fixed sir (https)
20-08-21 17:20
i_need_u_dont_go: Giant eagle
Level: 56,632
Armor 55055+
Dexterity: 51350
Wisdom: 321150
Damage: 125000-145000
All prot 85%

Spell claw eagle

Reward Ms
Armor: 1000+
Strenght: 555+
Dexterity: 633+
Wisdom: 455
Endurance: 333
20-08-21 16:52
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