Suggestions For V1
-hashirama-: 1. Change Attack button on mobile version like Touch Version because most people did't like use touch version (more slow than mobile version)
2. Move this game to Asia datacenter like Singapore will increase speed to most player, i have about 280~300++ ms ping :( here
20-09-02 05:32
-fubu-: 1. Change the quest system.
Ex; *NPC's should be standing outside the town for example shroudnight is standing outside Tatalia.
*Quest should be like this "Shroudnight: Gather 3x diamond dragon head and submit to me."
*Godfinder standing outside bracada, "Godfinder: Collect 10x dwarfs hammer and submit to me."
*Rewards will stay the same only the style or quest system changes to add up some thrill.
Note: to start a quest a player should head to any near NPC to choose and start a quest and go back to claim the reward after the quest is done.
*list of quest items*
*Harpy's feather
*Troglodytes tooth
*Demons horns
*Archangels tears ETC.
2. Spells - some of spells don't have any use
Ex.: for druid class - frost ring and frost ring (master) can be learned at the same level so why would a player use frostring if he/she can probably use the higher level spell? Therefore lvl 1 spell is completely useless.
I suggest to adjust the lvl bracket on each spell for example meteor shower on lvl 20, frostring on lvl 30 and frostring master on lvl 40 the same goes to other spells like implosion and implosion master.
*PS: Those rare quest items only drops when a player starts a quest otherwise it won't drop. . . Thank you. . . >PEACE ✌
20-09-01 07:45
-asmodeus-: The most effective plan of action and long term well being of this game (in whatever forms) would be , imo, to shift it onto a platform which is newer and more powerful ( the current platform being old and full of limitations as the admin have stated on several occasions) . Once this has been taken care of, further updates and changes should be brain stormed.
Reason -
1 - in the past decade , this game has seen a rise and than stagnancy and then a gradual downfall over the years - which can be attributed to lack of regular updates, lack of balance, negligence, etc...some of these factors, if not most, might have been avoided if there werent limitations of what can be implemented (?) . with a stronger and more reliable platform, i suppose, more successful updates and experiments could have been done , thereby countering any form of stagnancy (?)
2- Any further updates or major changes on the current old platform version of the game, will simply be , imo, a waste of time in the long run, as the admin have himself stated that its only a matter of time when the limitations will become too big to support big updates anymore.
3- competition. like it or not, the gaming world is a business and a big competition ground for the devs. very few players will actually stick out of loyalty... you need a bigger community that would ensure self sustainbility and hopefuly a good motivitating profit for the dev team. For all of these, or even to consider the least - the survival of the game, a long term plan is needed . the admin simply shouldnot state " its a great idea but the platform has limitations and thus cannot be implemented " on occassions in the future , when he had a chance to fix the root problem at the present.

Summary - you can keep the current format, or change it into something different , or a complete overhaul, or whatever you think is best, BUT please do it on a better and more powerful platform . dont make any big changes on this dying platform as the more you add here, the more work it will be later on for you if you decide to save it.

20-09-01 05:07
ren_voza: Network stability- the lags and slow process is very time consuming althou sometimes it does load pretty fast.

New hunting mode where you can tap just by clicking on the monster icon instead of click 3-5 times on a monster to kill it. Removing junk drops from monsters would be great too - having to empty our inventory after every 100 kills is time consuming as well excluding pieces and recs
20-08-31 22:48
assassy-in: I want this to come in the nicest way possible. But it is a strong opinion of mine.

This game revolves around credits. It IS credits. I understand this, since that is how the game is funded.

However, not all of us can go buy credits with a credit card, I don't even own one. Without credits, you can't get the necessary goods for lvling, making this closer to a pay-to-play game.

The only way without monetary involvement to get them is to sell in mp. But without the credits to get decent gears those with credits need, that doesn't work.

Then, there's pvp, you need time that is spent working to beat the 24/7 pvpers, so that's out.

Gold is a distant memory of the past... - It stocks up way too easily, and is 100% unneeded in every way, as mp rarely uses gold, and is only good for protecting castles. Which will be a waste because of OP clans such as Dragon Warriors.

The game needs a way to accumulate credits for those who can't pay, I know a starting number could be quickly abused, but maybe with v2's way of registering, this would be possible.

Again, I really mean no insult, I like this game perfectly well, and this isn't a big issue for me, but I couldn't think of a nicer way to phrase it. :)

Next, there are waaaaayyy too OP clans running around - Specifically, OakHeart, BlackBulls, and, chiefly, Dragon Warriors.

These clans dominate castles, bully those who won't do cjs for them (speaking from personal experience here) and thus, control all cjs, making it impossible for smaller, starting clans to go anywhere. Especially when there's max 30-40 people online, and all of them are in one of the above.

(Also, what on earth are the beasts for, while I'm at it...)

This is a major issue in my book, as I have suffered from a damaged reputation solely because of this issue. People reading this, I'm sure I just lost my alius. But it needs to be said.

The two issues above, manage to, by themselves, make credits op, and make castles, cjs, and gold completely obsolete, unless you are in a clan (Dragon Warriors, OakHeart, or BlackBulls) who completely bully people who don't do what they want. *glares at -timeless-*

(Please note that I do not know what BlackBulls do as far as bullying, but they also dominate and are thus part of the problem.)

Again, no insult or offense intended. You asked for suggestions, this is mine. I sincerely apologize if this comes across rude or like I'm upset, I am perfectly pleased with the game. :)

Also, I would like to ask about a security issue. I am pretty sure my alius is fried, so I am going to ask something I've avoided due to my alius.

Aspect-2k, also known as -shogun- and -shotgun-, can supposedly check your ip, using some code he mentioned a few months ago. He said it was a moderator that told him how, just thought I'd point out.

Also, the lvl 80 limit on pvp... It's hard to get to 80 without credits you can't get...
20-08-31 20:01
waxel: I think it would be nice if we have one alt each for gaia PVP rounds,for example;
I have 'Blackdragon' as my alt for this gpvp round,it would be better if after the round all my items ,credits, golds automatically get transferred to my main and the char resets to level 1,which I would also use for the next PVP round ,the next PVP round and the next to come.
It saves us of irrelevant alt chars we're never gon' check up again.
If we need alt chars,we can create here in main char because most Alts are useless after the round and the items are transferred.
You can start implementing this starting from next round,so the char we create for next char would be our only char for all gpvps but we can only change class after each PVP round is about to start.
And concerning the quests,it would be nice if we have more challenging stuffs to do on gaia 1,rather than level up,go into Aurora or challenges we need Lottery tokens to play.
We need randomly moderate events which would be of advantage to all players,not only the strong,not only the Rich players but all players,it would be a matter of luck and a bit of experience,not of strength,not of high level and at the same time would be equally scarce.
For example,we can have more quests here in regular lands in Gaia1 with nice rewards also like including a new Lord in each of Bracada,Tatalia,Nighon and different quests but same rewards.

Besides,I have more confidential details about these,We can talk better in DM Dreamer.
Also,a multi trade,multi 'get' from keeper also.
And apart from Gaia pvps there should be more ways we can obtain honor normally,not periodically.
In addition,can we log in multiple chars without having to log out one,more like switching just like in Facebook messenger apps.
Thank you.
20-08-31 19:27
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