IMPORTANT: registration temporarily closed & invites only system will be launched!
Leave your feedback!
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dragonraider01: sux -_- what if i want to make more necromancers or try out other classes?
13-09-06 18:15
froggy: Why don't you just only let people have one account per ip address? People sign up here daily. Closing registration will cause less users. Besides, most people use fake email addresses. Closing registration is a bad idea. The only reason half of the people that say positive things about it is that they love everything you do. You're making a huge mistake. It's not like you're the only site that has to deal with glitchers and hackers.
13-09-06 20:01
lelouch12: Chage this idea or change the rule in market place thank you -sword-
13-09-08 06:54
sco0py: P.S.
Yes it might stop cheating+ it will stop new players income and donate...
13-09-08 07:32
zulrockers: Why my account have banned time :( .help pls .
13-09-09 06:38
flikk: closed also the game...
13-09-10 15:44
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