IMPORTANT: registration temporarily closed & invites only system will be launched!
Leave your feedback!
Read from beginning
d_reaper: One of the main reason why i quit playing this game there are too many cheaters around the world of B.D. . Last time i played this game i was d_grim one of the top pvp players i played consistently until the gold glitch happen. I think I'm one of those poor char. To survive that round some characters are only lvl 10 but they had enormous amount of gold. I'll play this game maybe when the next server 2 start
13-09-06 00:48
jessica9101: Pls re-consider it! I notice very less ppl online! Private Is making less ppl play B.D in less income! And if can pls make new update for market place sell item for credit/gold sparate N it save ppl for mistake put wrong credit/gold!
13-09-05 19:43
mr-luo: I need to register my new necromancer, please delete this update.. This is just make a new player can't join BD.. Bad update!
13-09-05 05:31
__blood_lust__: Im bored now
13-09-05 03:27
dins_fire: Baaaaaaaad idea, bd will surely die now. My mom wanted to register here...... No she can't......
13-09-04 18:49
firefoxx: Disabling registration might work to some extent, but this will create black market sales of chars which could result in real life money scam.

I know selling of chars is restricted and suspendable offence under game rules, but ppl still do that! And disabled registration might lead to such scams.
13-09-04 17:35
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