20-11-19 18:53
• Devil Dragon's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Damage: +1666-3333
Strength: +666
Dexterity: +666
Wisdom: +666
Level: 100
20-11-19 17:40
• Evil Dwarf's Magic scroll
Crafted with gear items.
Damage: +666-1666
Dexterity: +333
Wisdom: +333
Level: 100
20-11-19 18:26
and turkeon siege were over powered which means multiple alts were made which was stressful to get rewards even players who bout credits didn't get in top because of the alt makers i made alts to hunt scrolls not to level i think you should remove sieges in future because i gained 5 levels on 10 hits on a siege if you at least keep sieges but lower there experience 50% 50 million experience is enough for pvp server before sieges leveling was fair for non alt players other than the alt makers i am fine with the server but with sieges people couldn't level easily people where always hitting a siege as fast as possible like its a race but it really shouldn't it should be used as a new monster not a hit wait hit wait because that wastes other players time.
Sincerely, Oppi
20-11-19 18:11