Got Ideas For X-mas Gaia PvP Round?
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cz01: Add Gacha System
- 5c For Item/Gem/Pet/Piece (Lv 1-25)
-50c For Item/Rune/Pet/Token/Chest/Recipe (Lv 25-50)
-100c For Item/Rune/Pet/Token/Chest/Charm/Scroll/Recipe (Lv 50-100)
-1000c Item/Rune/Pet/Token/Chest/Charm/Scroll/Powder/Recipe/Spell/Potion (Lv 100+)

And Chance To Get Treasure Box #10.000c#
20-11-24 14:47
afreshkill: Santa Dragon
Exlusive Scroll
Exclusive Shield-Santa's ToyBag
Hunt-Evil Elf
20-11-24 19:47
turkeon: Here my idea :
1. Make same timer as long as we are clanmate
2. Dont allow player multi attack , mean he cant attack other monster when he attacked one(still not died)
3. Add chrismas quest
4. Increase pieces drop rate
20-11-24 19:54
halo-win: Drop recipes the way too high last round
20-11-24 20:31
ipecac: I like ven rosa DA idea. Maybe after you hit level 70-80 you can opt to go DA and have to decide if to keep leveling or start back at 0. Just a thought, as I can't play myself this round.
20-11-24 20:37
farrel-ll: With the disappearance of gaia 3. Why can't the gaia 3 feature be implemented in gaia pvp.

1. No item trade. No mp. No lost item in pvp.
2. (Boss quest) We have all dragon element, why no have desert. Mey bee desert dragon 😍
Dex 20k
Wis 20k

3. Decline all mob 40%stat.
4. Disable requit item gear
5. Disable rune lvl 90+. Disable item gear lvl 115. Disable charm. (Only item lvl 100,rune lvl 80 and jewels)
6. Disable transfer credit. 😍
7. Add unscroll+decon

Key gaia pvp 1000c not bad :S
20-11-25 03:06
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