Got Ideas For X-mas Gaia PvP Round?
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redguard: 100% exp till 1000 wins, 50% upto 5k wins & 25% beyond 5k wins is the best way to control alt. Also reduce the xp to make it more competitive.
20-11-25 07:04
zibril: Pls big reward, let the spirit...
20-11-25 11:31
s0rri: Make the pvp server longer
20-11-25 11:33
retromarthmus: Okay,

i think the “1000c key to play” is a bad idea not bc i dont have c but most players dont have c.

The 1% after 1000 wins was useless, but the round before that was too generous... you have to find the in between.

Also the da idea sounds fun like lvl70-80 same with ipac/ren voza but most 100+ items have no class req -rofl- so idk... Unless class runes come back (god do not add rune death) ;)

Good luck in sorting through all the bad ideas people leave here -rofl- please dont ruin the game
20-11-26 02:50
jav-: Wearing item drops and minus exp if killed by monsters.
20-11-26 06:40
argos: No mp no trade
No ranks on all mobs
No credit transfer no unscroll no unsocket.
No selling of mobs
And no losing gears on pvp
20-11-26 13:17
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