Ideas For Gaia PvP #66 (11th Anniversary Round)
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Read from end
-p41n-: Well,,,

1. Increase drop rate recipe
2. Increase spawn rate event mob
3. Reduce cooldown timer lock map from 1 minute to 30s
4. Damage on PvP x11 because this is 11th Anniversary ;)
20-12-23 02:26
-supercell-: Make this round diablo wave again 3 diablo and 2 royal. Increase drop rate of rec and pcs. And make posible uncommon powder drop and upgradable to rare epic to mythic .
20-12-23 05:53
iamnecro: Please make some new rune for class amazon .assasins.
And Necromanser at honor shop
20-12-25 08:08
s0rri: Dreamer is there anyway u can make it where a email address can only be used once like you put on gear for 24hrs can you implement email locks so ppl can only use 1 toon it will help stop the alts and reset the email locks at the end of the server
20-12-25 15:34
mightylord: Okay so theres a few things i have thought abt -:

1) Do not change drop rates of recipes ,charms,jewels, magic scrolls, pieces etc..... They were good enough niether too low nor too much. So keep them as they were that's fairly enough.

2) Nerf wisdoms influence on pvps for paladin and necromancer class.... See druid are wisdom based if u ask what a druid needs its wisdom ... Thats all but its not same for paladins or necromancers they dont just depend on wisdom for everything right... So why give them that huge wisdom boost... Well even if u have u can jjst reduce its influence on pvp ... Make it so that only 70% of a necromancers and paladins total wisom is used in pvp. Paladin have good dex and.prayer for damage ...necromancers have dex damage and good wisdom too... Reducing 30% of there wisdom only in pvp situation will give other classes such as barbs and amazon a chance to actually harm them during pvps it won't be just one sided that way.

3) Increase the level req. Of the jewels.... Make it so that lvl V jewels req. Lvl 70 and ulti jewels req. Lvl 80 to be used... Its way too much to have peoples using ulti wisdom at lvl 60-70 ... I can assure you a ulti wis using necro and paladins are too much in pvps no barb using ulti dex or ulti damage can harm them becos thats how op wisdom is in pvps and ulti jewels at 60 just make it that much more...... As for druids they get too strong with ulti wisdom at lower lvls and can start butchering sms which makes it easy for lvl 65 druids to hit lvl 80-90 too fast and which just results in alt abuse... Its not just them actually but ulti jewels influence pally druid and necros too much.... i think that ulti jewels just like charms should be usable only at lvl 80+.

3) Yes assassin's crit needs to change...just like bernie said i too experienced it ... Higher crit. Bonus dam was way too rare. Assassins are nerfed way too much already cheh they need a buff for sure

4) Endurance boost -: I saw someone saying barbs dont need endu just give them wisdom or dex ? Haha no ..not just barb but every class need endurance buff i think u should make it so that every class has same percentage of endurance boost just like druid or paladin or barb . Endurance only influence max hp n hp boosting set are usabke by every class. Each clsss should have good endurance boost ... I dont think that giving assassins 60% endu boost like druid or barb at lvl 90+ would make them go "OP" right ? -rofl- . As i said endu is for ho boosting and every class use hp boosts so just give them all equal endu buff and make it equal to what druids had last round.... Again giving assassins endu boost wont make them surpass druids in dragon hunting or sm hunting or make them op in pvps anyways ... It will just give all classes equal endu boost and that all classes would be able to enjoy good hp boost too. If u still think its bad just remove the 2endu =1 armor feature...

5) please reduce chnaces of getting recs in chest and increase powders chances -_- ..

Thats all from me -dragon-

Edit-: please add an option like in hp boost to restore stamina service so we can restore stam faster
20-12-26 08:05
rust_dragon: I have to say congrats for 11th

My suggestion
# this game theme dragons but why bosses titles got better stats?? If u cant update the stats maybe allow us to combine dragons titles become iii grade

#extra sp cap?? 7.5k??

#thanks for making supreme ulti Jewel...but would be nice of there are hybrid ulti jewels also add a Lil damage boost on v charms +10%
And Vi charms +25%

#bring endu=armor on gaia 1 pls???
Maybe lowered than gpvp stats 3/4endu=armor??

#we need something to hunt at g1..a new lands and units needed badly on antagarich

For Gaia PVP
#maybe royal Diablo can get another skin?? O.o
The Ancient Diablo? Which can use 2x/1x same class boost? + Another slot for jewels usage?? I mean 4charms + 1 jewels or just 5 jewels
#i recommended multiple wave but 1 ACC only can get 1 titles each of the dragons also bring back 10k damage=1honnor for the compenstation only 1 titles drgon for 1 char

Also we missed da char on gpvp btw ;D

#adjust the chance to get powder from chest... event mobs already hard to spawn
# add a Lil wis stats for Barbarian just a lil
#sp counted for PVP? Maybe just 50%?

#bring back peta potion since theres pets rank also would be nice if pets hp automaticly boosted when we doin hp boost since pets stats are mirrored from our char

Thats all from me ^_^
20-12-26 13:39
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