neval: As event mob ms becomes stronger, i think it's time to think about tier III dragons ms
21-01-01 00:04
santt: Congratulations on the updates on Gaia pvp, it was very good and then I can only see improvements on. Let it continue like this in 2021. Ty
Just one request, doesn't make Hunt's mob so strong, it helps everyone have a chance to kill.
Just one request, doesn't make Hunt's mob so strong, it helps everyone have a chance to kill.
20-12-31 19:49
psycokiller: I can feel that this might be one entertaining and very interesting run, now everyone shall be happy with this.
Good year y'all, let's Play fair and square
Pd: neat touch with the ranking, hopefully the amount of tryhards will be lower... Hopefully
Good year y'all, let's Play fair and square
Pd: neat touch with the ranking, hopefully the amount of tryhards will be lower... Hopefully
20-12-31 17:47