I say this poll is compromised. I see multiples, and now I myself have spoken up with Illusionz and with Cherokee_Rose, but I clearly voted down the middle with one of those just to make a comment and not a vote.
To remove all earned skill points would make every Lvl 80 Druid with the best lvl 80 Druid gear and same jewels EQUAL. That would remove the challenge o.O
Reset everyone to their base stats, then categorize the stats; Maybe separate stats into categories:
-Bought stats (disabled for PvP)
-Level up stats (applied by player at lvl up to stat of their choice)
-Gear/gems/runes/jewel stats (varies by player according to gems/runes/gear/jewels chosen)
This would allow for a variation in player's stats to allow competition and keep a challenge.

13-09-18 07:54

13-09-18 08:38