Got Ideas For New Features?
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dagnuesr: add a legendary class set bonus gear.
for example if we use a full set gear paladin lv80 there is an additional bonus armor 1000 points / prot all element 15%
21-02-21 13:02
no-toxic: Add dragon plate eye cres in the chest Will very help this next round
21-02-21 13:05
zub-zero3: Also hunts on g1 while we wait for next pvp round starts
Ace mobs in g1 also give title scrolls it will make crafting recipes a bit more easy
Druid have class pieces shield like a book or orb that increase wis and dex
Transfer option on challenge tokens gear have 4 rune or gem slots not 2 anymore less stats req on the gear to equip
21-02-21 20:28
prof_mar: For gaia1 update::

1. I think there is a need to add a limited event other than boss hunt with the use of event tokens. As far as my experience goes here in bd, the magnitude of tasks we can perform in g1 depends on how well we do on gvp or on the diversity of titled scrolls we've gathered. Recipes are not that hard to get but putting them together is. But the case is that most of us are all focused on grinding on the reward we want or pushing our ranks to the top that we tend to forget our needs for g1. My suggestion sir is to have like a 1 day limited scroll drop and gpvp priced services for all premium feature users, a feature different from diamond, something which is paid by using honor points.

2. It might be a good idea to make event tokens transferrable. I think its legal to have more than 1 account here, and its obvious we can't use all of them at once but each of them may have different drop rates according to level. so why not make use of the tokens we gather from them to increase the chance of a selected character entering the ranking.

3. As far as RPG goes, there must be a storyline, i don't know if we can still rewrite the story from where we have not killed the black dragon yet because that would be redundant and pointless since we've done that for a couple of times now, but we can surely make post-bd story. This will open up a new possible update for lands, new quests, new monsters, new item drops. Each class may have a different story line, like each one has specific task to accomplish or merits to attain in order to finish the game, the story in that case. That way we can move on to other classes once we finish the task. But we should make those merit and task hard enough that no one completes them in less than a year. And thus, first ones to accomplish gets their name posted in the hall of fame.

4. Much needed library update. This sir is surely every players' request. Although some are kind enough to post there prize recipes infos on forums, its still not complete. This update will add more enthusiasm, especially to new players. This will motivate all of us to strive more towards the rankings and will invite more attention from old players to comeback and play again.

5. Guild homes. I think clan chat option in chat is pretty much unused. So i had this idea, why not make guild homes on lands where all clan feature is available. For this i think an update would be required, such as (1) clan treasury where in we can donate gold or credits in order for us to purchase a guild home. The guild home itself can just be an icon on the land and when you enter it occupies the whole webpage. Only there we can access the clan chat, check clan treasury, see who's active and i don't know if you'll approve this sir, a (2) clan statue in which we can increase mana and health for free depending on the level of the statue. We can upgrade clan statue through the clan treasury. (3) Guild war. Something similar to pvp tourney. but in a more populated way. We can only attack those within our level range so that players won't capitalize on attacking clans that have lower level players.

That's all. Tyvm
21-02-22 03:02
royal_sponge: Good day sir:)

I would like to ask if u can fix the problem with opera mini?
I cant seems to play there not like the past
Which i play there
Always but now i Cant it always say ERROR which im curious why?

Can you please organize a little bit on the library like
Making it easy to search item
For example putting classes with there suitable gears they can equip

" Down here we can see all the barb gears which he can use
And also on those other classes

This way it would be much easier to search the item u want

Thanks for your time reading this sir:)😊
21-02-22 06:44
-fubu-: How about a Rebirth on G1?
*We'll have to do a max level of 200 and perform a rebirth on homepage which will cost about a million of gold and have their character reset to level 0.
*After a chacters rebirth primary set of gears will be disabled and secondary set of gears is automatically used and will be back to primary set when the level required is reached.
*All jewels/charms will also be disabled until lvl 80 otherwise it won't be activated and timers won't run.
*Exp rate from mobs should be increased at least reaching 150 lvl in 3-5 hours and 150-200 will be a day or two
*Rebirth process won't effect when attacking any event mobs in other term when a player is attacking event mob he is most likely wearing his primary set of gears so the damage will stay the same and won't decrease due to a rebirth
*10 sp per level was (1 sp)
*Max stat points will increase up to 50k was (5k)
*Quest should be more interesting ex: *Slaying quest on 1st and 2nd town for low lvls such as kill 25x trogs, kill 10x hafling etc.
*Gathering quest on lvl 20-40 such as 2x sprites ring, 3x ogre's ring, 4x lich amulet, 1x Medusa amulet and submit
*Hunting quest on lvl 40-60 such as hunt down 30x diamond dragon etc
*Delivery quest on lvl 60-80 such as deliver some scrolls, gems or iron bars to blacksmiths outside town
*Obtaining quest on lvl 80-100 such as obtain a rare item called demonic warlord's horns, siege behemoth's spike etc
*Rewards will be random such as skill points, runes, ultimate jewels and a slight chance of having lvl 1 charms
21-02-22 09:43
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