Got Ideas For New Features?
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--b4n3--: Please add language translation on library section so we can understand some language posted on gchat by some players without leaving the game example the text "wkwkwkwk" I honestly don't understand that text.
21-02-22 10:01
zaikan: 1. Free services every Sunday exclusive only on g1
2. Let us have a martis round every anniversary of bd
21-02-22 10:22
piston: please add afk farming for 3 hour, this feature require credits or diamond mode. we have life too cant just click attack every hours, if you consider please add this it will very helpfull
21-02-22 11:17
akr: Please add a gold of clan, So all clan have a gold bank. All member of clan can contributed to add some gold to the bank. The function is, if clan's member want to occupied a castle, they not using their gold but using a gold of clan. just leader and staff can using it. and add the rank of contributed player and gift some reward to them. the reward is like a recipe, rune, jewel etc. the reward will given every week or month. :D
21-02-22 21:44
-supercell-: Add free service reward on lottery what we have last year .
21-02-22 22:46
amazon_supremacy: make honor points and event tokens transferable, that way casual players can sell them for credits.
21-02-23 02:11
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