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theprodigy: a great update again for anti alts 😊
21-05-29 08:02
ez-blitz: Is this at gaia1?
21-05-29 05:06
ren_voza: Good to know you are trying to do something to change things - but why has no bot users/ cheaters been suspended yet? They are the real problem afterall
21-05-29 04:22
chaser: Very well said @baudica.
21-05-29 03:51
boudica: To all the players who are crying about this update: This is the result of cheaters using bots to farm valuable items to sell. These are the players who you admire & envy. The cheaters are the players who have proudly announced many times in chat that they are 'free players' & would never buy credits. It seems that they have no conscience. They don't care that they hurt the developer of the game by reducing the credit sales. They don't care that they are cheating honest players by setting up bots to do the hunting that other players do for themselves. If allowed to destroy this game, they will simply move on to another game to exploit & destroy. And really, why are they doing this? To make themselves feel big & powerful? In a virtual world, where nothing is real??? That's pathetic...

Instead of raging at dreamer for what he has had to do to try to save this game, take out your anger on the cheaters. Identify them & expose them to dreamer. Help save the game if you want to continue playing. Many of you have formed friendships & a community within this game. Do you want to lose that?

If you really don't care, just log out & never return.
21-05-29 03:41
-luciperr-: Simpel. Disable Market and trade no vault

This not god idea
21-05-29 03:28
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