Warning: Charms & Powders Will Become NON-Transferrable!
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21-05-29 13:08
tsugumi: If you make drop rates better(like significantly, not just by some tiny tiny tiny decimal), then this update isn't so bad
21-05-29 13:09
dagnuesr: ewwwww Nothing else can be sold on the pvp server, because all the needs are in the dungeon.
21-05-29 13:35
equinox: sorry but i still don't see how this and previous update would affect scammers and abusive players yet, only time will tell..

ps next remove the marketplace (i'm joking)
21-05-29 16:03
tick_talk: Will we have the option to either keep our charms/powder with our pvp char or will they automatically transfer to our main acc?
21-05-30 01:03
argos: my charms ar scattered on my alts 😑😑
21-05-30 07:27
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