Got Gaia PvP Suggestions?
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-_aquarius_-: Make it 2k for wins and an extra 1k for units killed(Not wins, also it will be available once we hit 2k wins and we wont be able to get exp from the 1k units killed just drops)... Also it's a bummer for druids not being able to 1hit mobs(We have to get very decent items to be able to 1 hit high hp mobs which makes it harder for us to farm items, making alts is kinda disgusting especially since we have to focus on 2 accs instead of 1) How about bringing back some old event mobs like scarabs and stuff rather than making new overpowered scrolls :)
21-07-06 10:55
gleamstone: 5x drop rate, 5x damage, 5x exp
21-07-06 08:25
newbie01: pvp round 15day
Wins today 3k hlp to hunt cham
New spell for asasins
New pet Bowong
Ok my idea thanks long life bd
21-07-06 08:10
nightshadows: 3 waves of flying dragons with double the stats of last rounds dragons make it interesting like it was in the old days ;D
21-07-06 08:00
binoandre: Please make better spells for assassins
We do not have good spells at all
21-07-06 07:13
4rch_dru1d: don't limit our mana especially druid class, and cj for clans because I can't feel the purpose of having clan on pvp anymore that's all peace out ✌✌✌
21-07-06 05:24
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