Got Gaia PvP Suggestions?
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gleamstone: 5x drop rate, 5x damage, 5x exp
21-07-06 08:25
-_aquarius_-: Make it 2k for wins and an extra 1k for units killed(Not wins, also it will be available once we hit 2k wins and we wont be able to get exp from the 1k units killed just drops)... Also it's a bummer for druids not being able to 1hit mobs(We have to get very decent items to be able to 1 hit high hp mobs which makes it harder for us to farm items, making alts is kinda disgusting especially since we have to focus on 2 accs instead of 1) How about bringing back some old event mobs like scarabs and stuff rather than making new overpowered scrolls :)
21-07-06 10:55
-day--knight-: We need credit reward back , and diamond reward back also divine
Seed reward back too ,
Set kill to 3k wins
First 1k wins 100% xp
1k to 2k wins 50% xp
2k to 3 k wins
5% xp

We need to hunt also
3k wins is fair enough ....
21-07-06 17:20
shatter: No land travel restrictions. Make it wher you can go anywhere at any level
21-07-06 19:32
floridaboy: Make pets available on day one, so we level up on the same phase and purchasable by credits, hence making pets a true companion not a burden when they're available and we are fighting smobs and they perish everytime.

And also frenzy mode 4x exp for 2hrs not 24 hrs
21-07-06 20:26
superman_slayer: 3 waves of dragon.. and credit rewards.. also make no land level restrictions
21-07-07 00:13
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