[Gaia PvP #74] 🇰🇷 Korean round!
21-09-22 07:41
u_s_a_: The gumiho appear is to late and many player not notice when its spawn. top player not joining battle with gumiho since them was built for kill it's now them build is allitle useless
21-09-22 05:58
jal_meog-eulge: All spell paladin (grace , prayer , etc ) cost mana too high .
i'am run out mana too fast lol
21-09-11 14:23
koppassus: Good game😂
21-09-07 09:16
werkudoro_bimo: The reward quest isnt worth ... Last round are better than this ;(
21-09-07 04:16
shark_frenzy: nice theme😍 haha
21-09-05 07:39
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