_bellamy_: bring back challenge reward every lvl that the way we get charm now even we dont play gpvp coz we dont know if buy charm to player is banable
21-10-01 14:11
chaser: Please add adjustment config "Auto heal when HP/Mana is 10-20% or below 1-5M mana/hp.
Add configuration that can input desired HP e.g.(1000000 or 5000000), then when you reach that HP, it will trigger Auto Heal.
Add configuration that can input desired HP e.g.(1000000 or 5000000), then when you reach that HP, it will trigger Auto Heal.
21-09-26 09:11
leriq: How its work ? Its heal everytime if i lost some hp ? Or only if i die ? Its the same like boost hp by credits ? Ill no test it bcse i have low amount of honor points so if you can explain me ill be glad ty
21-09-26 05:20
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