Suggestions for Gaia PvP
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_0racle_: make 10k or 5k wins capped in item drop. 3k wins is so boring, we can't enjoy the game, since the charm and quest item cant sell or trade, why not increase the to 10k or 5k capped so i can stay more time in the game! :)

Thank You -hearts-
21-10-30 12:11
resurrector: G2 system is unbalance.
Limit/remove dungeon charm rewards, players are getting lazy hunting charms now.
Imagine players hunting outside dungeon use their wincap 2-3k and can only get 1-2 charms while dungeon dwellers just chill and collect lot of charms as long as they have c to spend. Let everybody learn to hunt charms through mobs.
21-10-30 12:30
-leasterix-: (1) the first to return the credit as a top class prize.. honor in the global top.
(2) 6x sale on the first 5 days, 5x sale on 5-10 days, and 4x sale on the next day.
(3) new land appearance so it's not boring
(4) 2x sp every lvl increase.
(5) remove more than 1 dragon at the end of pvp.
(6) get dragon ms in the top 3 biggest damage, dragon ms II in top 3 dragon hunt.
(7) return denconstruct items.
(8) exclusive items in top 1 global and top 1 class.
(9) equalize all classes, so that they have a chance to kill the king and dragon.
(10) 5k max wins every day.

For the irish pvp round

-king boss THE BANSHEE and top 5 boss get THE BANSHEE'S MAGIC SCROLL Stat so much---
-monster hunt POOKA top 10 pooka hunt get POOKAS'S MAGIC SCROLL stat so much---
-quest ST PATRICK a rich emperor, who likes with beer and with Quest item 6x SHAMROCK ☘️ with quest reward 1500sp + 2x mythic powder.
- top 10 pets get Enbarr Of The Flowing Mane (IRISH PETS)

-Item exclusive
1-THE ANSWERER a sword that can pierce any iron cloak.
2-CTANN BUIDE a battle cloak has strong defense.
21-10-30 13:16
ultra_instinct: Pumpkins in the map and Exclusive Haloween pet in Breeder for some time for a biliion gold lol:)
21-10-30 14:03
rast: Make jewel v and ulti jewel appear in quest instead of jewel I,II and III and dragons spell prot cap at 87%
21-10-30 14:21
_xandria_: Please make new player more confortable with thia game ,since me old player start new game again ,thanks
21-10-30 15:31
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