Make suggestions for a NEW round of Server #2!
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hell_hound: all the previous s2 rounds only 1 the strongest clan occupied all the castles. Now to have thrill lets make this coming s2 round a 1 castle per 1 clan so no more abuse to castle boost:)
13-10-07 17:29
need_cutie_fafa: only one castle per clan... give way to other clans..
13-10-07 17:43
boudica: Please make some monsters so strong that only a team of players attacking it together at the same time will be able to kill it. The team can be clan members or a hunting party. That will create a spirit of teamwork & cooperation.
13-10-07 17:50
-uki-: There should be at least 1 Moderator play there. Last round many ppl break law in gen chat and don't get banned.
Clan : 10member/clan , donate gold clan to buy units, clan ranking not depend on level (each occupied get 50point, each died in castle decreased 5point) it should be rewarded after round is over, member in same clan cannot attack each other , 30units/castle to cause often clan war, additional rewards beside xp (ex: 1c/member if can keep castle for 1 hour) or 10% stat (krewlod=strenght, erathia=armor, enroth=wisdom, bracada=damage, tatalia=dexterity, nighon=endurance) , more expensive units price , no item drop in castle because player worried about it, castle unit drop gem (owner castle cannot attack it), NOTIFICATION when castle is attacked, who enter castle cannot leave except he died or occupied it.
-king- or -blackeye-
13-10-07 18:02
the_watcher: Sometimes players cant level up, coz when you hunt mobs to level up some players attack you while u r hunting or leveling up,its not fair to die bcoz of u dont have full health when they pvp you.. I suggest that whenever some players attacks you while u r hunting, the other player should be given at least 1min. To restore health b4 battle proceeds or it should be given automatically full health to know who is the real winner.. Also allow pets to gaurd castles.. Cant occupy castle if not enough members, members should be 10/10 before they can occupy castle..
13-10-07 18:05
lokitehguy: make it so only top 50 will get prizes, that will make players work extra hard to get them. that's the point of server 2, hunt or be hunted -orc- ↓↓↓↓
13-10-07 18:38
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