Make suggestions for a NEW round of Server #2!
Leave your feedback!
Read from beginning
angel_warior: amnf clan war once's in a center arena
13-10-08 19:35
pyre_o_fire: -good2- awesome idea boudica!
13-10-08 15:24
kaynine: Umm, how about instead of an avatar, you could give the picture of a character and whatever item we wear is shown in a comlete picture. It wouldn't help the gameplay, but it does trigger some fun and curiosity 'bout how we look :)
And no need for mp or trades, but pieced items should drop as a whole, Including titled pieced items, just let 'em be rare.
And a rival list should be added, so once killed by a player, he becomes ya rival and if ya kill him within a certain time, a good item is dropped :)
13-10-08 14:48
scarlet_prince_: Everytime we gain experience,the xp needed to reach next level is shown as %.if you die,it is resetted to 0%
13-10-08 12:39
snipethug1: how bout server #1?
13-10-08 11:41
anarchist: You always promise rewards for good suggestions. But I've never seen you rewarding even one player. Don't like the suggestions? Then why ask for them? And if you DO like the suggestions, reward the player like you said you would.

Anyway, what Blackdragon needs the MOST right now is balance. The character classes are somewhat balanced, so I won't go there. But the items badly need to be rescaled.
The higher your level is, the more item dependent you become. In fact, this whole game is item dependent.
So when the powers of the items in a same bracket level vary greatly, it just takes out the fun out of the game. And it leaves no space for applying strategies. Cause then, everyone knows what the best weapon is and rushes to get it. The game doesn't provide many options. Is this your idea of fun? Following the same route, getting the same item, learning the same spell again and again?
We need options! We need versatility!

You are to be creative as a dev.
Do you know why DoTA is still so popular? Do you know why the map creator (Ice frog) was hired by valve to make a game called dota2? It's cause Ice frog knew how to create a balanced game. Dota is just one example, Dreamer. There are many other games which found success the same way dota did. Maybe you can make blackdragon one of those games.

I'm not gonna go into the credit buyer vs. non-credit buyer debate. You need money to run the game, I understand that. But just create an immersive gaming experience for us all.

There shouldn't be ONE best weapon. Let there be dozens of best weapons. The players should be torn between choices.

Strengthen the sucky items and nerf the overpowered ones. Good luck. I'll be looking forward to an update about this.
13-10-08 09:30
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