Make suggestions for a NEW round of Server #2!
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gaul: Hunt activity

Simiallar to quests as they will appear for each level group.
Instead of just 1 monster the quest will be return my 'gold crown'. A gold crown is a useless item for anything other than these quests and will be dropped after you kill a cetain monster enough times.

Return my gold crown it was taken from me when I was passing through a land filled with undead creatures.
That clue is all that would be given so players must then find the creature who took it. In this case it would be kill 50 zombies and the item will be dropped. Similar to tasks if you have the item in your inventory the quest will let you click the complete butten and will reward you in some way with items/xp/gold or even a credit or 2.

These quests would stay open and have one for each level group until they were completed.
If the clue given gives very little help as to where to look for the items then it would mean a higher reward for the person who completes it.


The ability to place a bounty of gold credits or an item on a players head that has simply even annoyed you. For example someone steals a. Quest unit kill so I can place a bounty of 3 credits on there head to have other players hunt them down giving me revenge I may not of been able to take myself.
If a bounty is placed on a player there should be a little skull or some icon next to their name on the bottem of the screen when your in the same lands and next to their name in chat so all players who pass them will be aware there is something to gain from killing them.
If a bounty is placed on a players head they will receive a notification message telling them who has placed the bounty on their heads and for how much but for a fee of 1 credit it wouuld just say unknown has placed a bounty for x amount on your head

PvP/Arena Gears
PvP/Arena Levels

When fighting players instead of leveling your normal XP instead it would start to increase your PvP level.
PvP level is a new requirement for using the battle arena shop which for a price in skulls will sell high end arena gear for all classes and level groups. But along with regular level it will also have a PvP level requirement to use it.
Level 20-40 = PvP lvl 10-20
Level 40-60 = PvP level 20-30
Level 60-80 = PvP level 30-40
Level 80-100 = PvP level 40-50
Level 100+ = Pvp level 50+

Arena Bone Mask

+60 armor
+10-20 Damage
+10 strength
+10 dexterity
+10 wisdom
Protection from Earth 50%


Level 40
PvP level 20
Strength 50
Dexterity 50
Wisdom 20
Endurance 20

Cost 100 Skulls

This is an example of a helm from the barbarian arena set. Once bought buy a player it can not be sold or transferd and since PvP experience is only available on s2 that means only chars that have been made and endured the battle in s2 will ever be able to wear these high end arena gears also giving a whole new reason for past and present players of s2 to have a new run.

PvP levels would be the same xp to achieve as normal levels but for obvious reasons the xp players drop would need to be adjusted to make it not to easy or to hard to gain these levels and a player with pvp level 50 can attack a pvp player that is pvp lvl1 but will reduce the xp he gains by 2% for every level below his own, even though he will still receive a skull for his victory.
Skulls are given on victory on PvP or for killling quest monsters. But if you have defeated a player an won a skull from them you must wait 24 hours befor that player will drop another skull to you.
13-10-10 14:15
hyperblast: credit should be limited to every player in s2 that no player waste there credits
13-10-10 17:55
blade_knight: My suggestion for s2 is a new dragon harder than the black dragon u can call the emperor black dragon or just emperor dragon plus make credit droppable in s2
13-10-11 00:04
hulyo: Put a class advancement system!
-Paladin > Crusader/ Knight
-Druid > Enchantress / Maiden
-Necromancer > Witch / Sorcerer
-Barbarian > Champion / Warlord

and give them specific new skills
13-10-11 03:52
samorano4real: 1) I think castles should be taken off server 2 totally leaving only arenas
2) there should be a lvl 100 pets available until servers merge
3) since u wanna make it toughes, change frenzy to +50% for s2 alone
4) there has been a problem of limited gold @s2 then i guess 50% credit purchase should be called off for only s2
5) no pet shop and gold/credit shop in s2
6) pvp range should be changed
7) since there'll be high competition rate on s2, there should be new stronger dragons that give scroll better titled scroll
8) anyone who breaks rules shall lose all gears and lvl reduced to 10
9) there should be better tasks than those that drop jewels... Tasks should also drop items like ms and scroll
10)lastly, the first person to craft a unique kind of legendary e.g. First silver amulet should be given a prize at the end of the round... Thanks:-P
13-10-11 12:19
percy: You say u will give credits to good suggestions but no credits been for so far before.So no comments from me.-rofl-
13-10-11 17:05
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