[Gaia PvP #82] 🇵🇪 Peru/Inca Theme!
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onlyusename: BD connection broken
22-06-06 14:28
ruminawi: Dreamer my moonstone ring didn't get rarity. Nor my amber amulet. I hear there are like 60 items that didn't get rarity. Thought I'd let you know -dragon-

Fun round so far!
22-06-09 07:48
-juicewrld-: Make a option to search recipes in libary by name like in keepers

Also inti ms hasnt the strongest dmg, wendigo king does so please update the stats of inti or change that it has strongest dmg;D
22-06-10 17:19
-moonlight-: Yes pls update library with different sections for each class. Like barb section u can see all barb gears etc. Also add search feature in library
22-06-13 06:57
tsh: Event mob exp too low 💔
Event mob release date too late bro 💔
22-06-17 15:41
enterprise_uss: Wendigo King's ...
Damage: +1500-4500
Stamina: +1500
Strength: +300
Dexterity: +300
Endurance: +300
Wisdom: +300
22-06-18 20:28
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