[Gaia PvP #83] Got Ideas?
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mr_kupo: add endurance on charm...5%/10%/15%/20%
22-07-02 14:18
roger125: Bring the delete char option at bd
22-07-01 11:59
-trixter-: add pants and belt😏
22-07-01 09:15
-pazazaran-: Add new keeper at nighon city, necropolis city, tatalia city and bracada city -cool- -clap-
22-07-01 08:52
-timeless-: I have great ideas! I'll update this message as I get them...

#1 Please bring back mp for trading gold for credits. And, bring back selling items in mp for gold! Idk who's idea it was to get rid of gold; however, it's not a good idea.

#2 Please include Death Angel Runes and Diablio Runes in prizes. Remember when they were prizes? Long time ago.

*to be continued..*

#3 Please put another chest in Necropolis. Most of us use separate keepers/chests for different items.

#4 Please make credits exchange between severs 1:1 . It's very unfair to charge to transfer.
22-07-01 08:44
-juicewrld-: Bring back buying gold sir this is unfair for new players
22-07-01 07:08
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