[Gaia PvP #84] Round Is OVER!
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ulat-killer: Please give back charm can sell and trade only for g#1
22-08-30 04:42
_dwi_: Reduce damage boosts for pvp. Only 5m max hp in lv110+ and cheater can do almost 4m in battles with crap gear. Its not fun at all, you have a chance to lost ur gear with 80% hp. Make it more fair.
22-08-30 07:27
nevrea: Need charm available in trade and mp again in g#1
22-09-01 01:19
quakz: Ohh yeah whats_up is gone 👍👍 ty dreamer
22-09-01 08:00
elric_melvinger: Add prize credit again in special pvp server.. market at g1 no have buyers
. Add event from anime.. beacuse im weeboo... and
if you quickly investigate the cheater problem.. I will definitely get a barbarian and minerva reward..and i sell recipe lvl 140 at market 500c not have buyers
22-09-01 08:22
scylla-: Miss challanges at g1

Make assassin crit go to max 300% at g1 on weapon + shield in pvp too
22-09-02 17:40
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