[Gaia PvP #90] Registration is OPEN!
2023-01-30 21:02:38
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Rating: 5.00

The new round will start on February 5th (midnight server time).

A few notes:
- Barbarians & Paladins were dominating last round so there will be a nerf to them
- Some other classes might receive a slight buff but it's not decided yet

Please note that rewards will be adjusted as well.

Top-10 players ranking will get a Celestial Stone each.
Top-3 supporters will also get it.

This means that 13 Celestial Stones will be rewarded each PvP round (13th anniversary).

Top-10 boss ranking will receive a RANDOM PvP round boss' exclusive item from the previous rounds.

Any suggestions are more than welcome! Stay tuned for updates!
