[Gaia PvP] The Round is OVER!
2017-05-10 15:32:34
Read comments (23)
Rating: 3.91
Hey there!

This Gaia PvP round has come to an end - congratulations to all the winners!

The new Royal Diablo:
pentatone (played as Druid -ixy-)

The new Diablo:
koolverine (played as Necromancer)

Here are the Top-5 of each class (the winners of Supreme class potion):

> Barbarian
1. pythagoras
2. oppai_sda_potion
3. dawet
4. 0ps-dead
5. o0_0o

> Druid
1. -ixy-
2. -azumi-
3. d3nd4m_7
4. bueuk
5. sipe50

> Paladin
1. dettol
2. kael18--
3. anti_christ
4. -earth-_-angel-
5. 0rph3n

> Necromancer
1. koolverine
2. rahab
3. x-fuerra
4. -gmc-
5. necrophos

> Amazon
1. 1headshot2
2. royalamazon
3. pewpewpew
4. kido
5. stormblood

> Assassin
1. -v--warrior-
2. metal-mulisha
3. my_lord
4. _sayonara_
5. moskow


P.S.: Please note that some rewards (Shenlong challenge's & Supreme potions) may be delayed - your patience is appreciated. All other rewards were given already.
