[Gaia PvP] Round #36 is OVER!
2018-03-26 20:01:59
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Rating: 5.00

Round #36 of Gaia PvP has finished and all rewards were given for the winners! CONGRATULATIONS!

The newest Royal Diablo is illusionz (dubble-trubble) who managed to do this as a Barbarian! The newest Diablo is -fubu- (sky-king) who played as a Druid. Well done!

Here is the top list of winners:

Top-3 Hunters:
#1. giveup
#2. -chito-
#3. freedom45

Top-3 Barbarians:
#1. dubble-trubble
#2. benevolent
#3. blackviewv3

Top-3 Druids:
#1. grand_slam
#2. dartagnan
#3. -tygriller

Top-3 Paladins:
#1. stereo_heart
#2. haryll
#3. dead-rat

Top-3 Necromancers:
#1. lodjie
#2. 0cean
#3. viddoc-king

Top-3 Amazons:
#1. -trouble-
#2. -dragon-king-
#3. bd-sleep-eat

Top-3 Assassins:
#1. x-navenz-x
#2. freedom45
#3. bandzay8

Top-20 Global:
#1. grand_slam
#2. -trouble-
#3. dubble-trubble
#4. -dragon-king-
#5. stereo_heart
#6. bd-sleep-eat
#7. x-navenz-x
#8. -chito-
#9. freedom45
#10. dartagnan
#11. bandzay8
#12. ganjoer22
#13. newbie2018
#14. l4st-game
#15. haryll
#16. giveup
#17. -tygriller
#18. lodjie
#19. 0cean
#20. sky-king

Congratulations again and thanks to everyone participating in this round!

The next will be a Martis PvP round with some sweet new updates!
