[Gaia PvP #69] Quick Fixes
2021-04-01 10:03:43
Skaityti komentarus (22)
Įvertinimas: 4.27
Hi there!

First of all, my apologies for failing to extend the credits sale - the sale is back on & anyone who made any purchases without it got the missing credits/bonuses.

Key update was made regarding the magic scroll drops rate - it is considerably increased, especially the titles scrolls. Please note that ranks play an important role and Ace rank enemies have a relatively high chance of dropping it (also, Ace ranks have guaranteed drop of magic scroll).

Yes, having no plain magic scrolls will require some adjustments and can make things a bit harder but this is all for a more reasonable gameplay experience. The increased rates should help and make it more balanced - give it a try.

Another important update is the introduction of Tier VI scrolls of the base stats - such as, Magic Scroll of Dexterity (VI).

These scrolls can only be crafted using 3 x Tier V scrolls, give double the stats of Tier V and require a level 10 only.

All the new scrolls can be found in the Library so take a look to check if it's worth the effort.

Please note that ALL these scrolls can be updated so even Magic Scroll of Dexterity (I) can be useful and not just a junk drop.

Hopefully, this helps & good luck to everyone!
