[Gaia #1] Dungeon & Challenge!
2022-04-05 16:01:14
Read comments (8)
Rating: 4.00

Both events are already on and will be available until April 30th midnight (server time).

Please note that Dungeon will give item drops from now on:

* These items are received ONLY the first time you clear the level (to avoid abuse & repetitive rewards).

* First 25 levels have a reward for each level, then you get a reward every 5 levels (so at level 30, level 35, level 40 and so on).

* The leaderboard will be enabled & Top-50 players will get rewarded with honor (future dungeon seasons might have it updated).

Regarding the Tlaloc Challenge:

* NO exclusive items or scrolls this time - there should be an extra motivation for those participating in Gaia PvP round and getting these rewards easily for Gaia #1 top players was not it.

Good luck to everyone! All ideas are welcome!
