Level 150 Supreme Death Angel

Seen today @ Gaia #1
Ranking: #155
Arena [1]
Inbox::::>>Supreme Death Angel!Congratulations!You became a Supreme Death Angel!2017-03-25 14:35:26Delete

Thank you so much!
You were rewarded with Necklace of Frost & +600 skill points.

Nothing follows:_________________________________________Rasdur
I, the God of Earth, can give you superb powers and upgrade your Necklace of Earth.
Bring it to me together with several body parts of the mythical earth creatures that are living in these lands.______________________________Edeus
Mortal, the God of Air may empower you and upgrade your Necklace of Air.
Bring it to me together with several body parts of the mythical air creatures from the lands around.___________________________________________Xydall
Mortal, the God of Fire may empower you and upgrade your Necklace of Fire.
Bring it to me together with several body parts of the mythical fire creatures.
» Pets
Quests:   150
Units Killed:   70,751
PvP Wins:   98
PvP Losses:   180
Tasks:   4
PvP Round Ranking:   #56
Class Ranking:   #5
Country: Christmas Island
Last login: 2024-06-27 22:48
Registration: 2015-10-07 06:13