Level 118 Assassin

Seen 756 days ago @ Gaia #1
 ~ The Maurya Empire ~ 

Ranking: #1634
......As winter approaches life pulls back its limbs,the old steps aside to make way for the young to grow when spring arrives...Time goes by, memories are created, some last for a while, yet few live on for a lifetime. Bonds are established, promises are kept, people pass away, but the memories live on...but in the grand timeline, everything comes to an END ...... -asmodeus-
» Pets
Quests:   373
Units Killed:   14,714
PvP Wins:   1
PvP Losses:   4
Tasks:   0
PvP Round Ranking:   #1
Class Ranking:   #1
Country: India
Last login: 2023-01-29 07:44
Registration: 2018-07-06 20:26