Level 100 Thợ săn

Đã xem 1569 hôm trước @ Gaia #1
 The Legion of the Damned 

Rank: #4280
tired of trusting and getting hurt so profound....tired of the dishonesty and selfishness prevailing all around...tired of the same old stories, and same old frown...what goes around,.. shall be burned down to the ground!!!

~ Q.U.I.T ~ Registration: 2014-05-31 21:48


................... ....

.....dreamer: ### rust_dragon ###
14-07-23 14:29 Delete.
.......dreamer: ### crystal_dragon ###
14-07-23 23:34 Delete.

.dreamer: ### faerie_dragon ###
14-07-24 18:34 Delete
Đơn vị đã bị giết:   18,514
Chiến thắng:   64
Thua:   25
Nhiệm vụ:   0
Máy chủ #2 xếp hạng.:   #4
Class Ranking:   #1
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Lần đăng nhập cuối: 2020-01-23 06:35
Đăng ký: 2014-05-31 21:48