Level 85 Paladin

Seen 170 days ago @ Gaia #1

3m3rald_warri0r found Tauri Emerald @ Green hill
3m3rald_warri0r KILLED Aldebaran @ Behemoth crag (II)
3m3rald_warri0r has completed Celestial King's Quest!
Congratulations! You KILLED Demon king [6]!
Congratulations! You KILLED Hell ghoul [6]!
Congratulations! You KILLED Lord of Thunder [4]!
Congratulations! You KILLED Fire dragon [2]!
Daily battles limit reached.
Congratulations! You KILLED Demon lord [1]!
Congratulations! You KILLED Lord of Thunder [9]!
3m3rald_warri0r found Charm of Naraka
Congratulations! You KILLED Fallen Archangel [2]!
Congratulations! You KILLED Hell ghoul [7]!
Congratulations! You KILLED Undead hydra [2]!
Congratulations! You KILLED Fallen Archangel [9]!
Congratulations! You KILLED Demon king [10]!
Congratulations! You KILLED Undead hydra [8]!
3m3rald_warri0r  Level 85 Paladin
Ranking: #46 Paladin: #8
» Pets
Quests:   130
Units Killed:   15,793
PvP Wins:   0
PvP Losses:   2
Tasks:   0
PvP Round Ranking:   #46
Class Ranking:   #8
Country: Mozambique
Last login: 2024-09-06 02:19
Registration: 2023-03-31 22:36