Level 47 Paladin

Seen 1137 days ago @ Gaia #1

Legendary collection: ________________________________________________________________
» Nature's avatar
» Ancient behemoth's heirloom sword
» Lord's of thunder diamond mask
» Giant's sight of the eagle
» Bear claws
» Mirror of Vistira
» champion's defender
» Beastmaster staff
» Fire king's foecrusher
» Shadow assassin mask
» Spite
» Minotaur king's isterus wisdom
» Blood dragon's panther's paw
» Blood drinker
» Bloodsoaked ring
» Chaos hydra's wildclaw
» Citaa
» Lord's of thunder nightwolf crest
» Ravager skin
» Pets
Units Killed:   566
PvP Wins:   7
PvP Losses:   7
Tasks:   55
Country: -
Last login: 2021-05-24 14:45
Registration: 2011-08-10 04:47