Level 92 Hiệp sĩ

Đã xem 280 hôm trước @ Gaia #1
Gaia PvP #92] The 4th Zodiac - Taurus!

_oreo_ has completed Celestial King's Quest!

Celestial King
Celestial King
Thank you, dear traveler, for your help in gathering the materials for the summoning ritual. Your kindness and generosity will not be forgotten.

With these items, I am now able to summon the spirit of Taurus and receive the wisdom and guidance that it has to offer. I am deeply grateful to you for your assistance in this matter.

Please, accept this token of my appreciation as a small gesture of my thanks. May it bring you good fortune and blessings on your journey.

_oreo_ has completed Dandanstran's Quest!
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Class Ranking:   #4
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Lần đăng nhập cuối: 2023-07-24 11:05
Đăng ký: 2023-04-01 02:42