vlak 140 Supreme Amazon

Seen 72 dae gelede @ Gaia #1
Rank: #390
Krewlod City - Recipe
Enroth City - Item
Deyja city - Scroll
Erathia City - Cha..scroll

* Prince Gelare ✔️
Thank you so much! You were rewarded with +50 skill points.

* Dandanstran ✔️
Thank you so much! You were rewarded with +100 skill points.

* Kilgor ✔️
My people are grateful for you! You were rewarded with +100 skill points.

* Hundac ✔️
Thank you so much! You were rewarded with +100 skill points.
» Troeteldiere
Quests:   81
Eenhede dood gemaak:   27,972
gewen gevegte:   5
verlore stryd:   31
Taake:   0
Server #2 ranking:   #100
Land: Viet Nam
Laaste aanmelding: 2024-03-28 11:50
registrasie: 2021-11-30 11:47