Level 38 Barbarian

Seen 1069 days ago @ Gaia #1
 Sexy Queens 

Hi,my name is Anna Linh.I'm finding the road to the glory..I will become the Queen of Blackdragon kingdom in future...Wait and see i do it.Hihi [I dont care who are u and where are u live,dont say with me u are strong or rich or anything,I dont care.I just care the way u talk with me,the way u care me and the way u love me...:D]FACEBOOK: Name Anna Linh
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Units Killed:   95
PvP Wins:   0
PvP Losses:   0
Tasks:   0
Country: Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Last login: 2021-08-01 18:55
Registration: 2013-08-20 05:17