{®°®} argint has completed Elemental Lord Erdamon's Quest! argint has completed Elemental Lord Fiur's Quest! {®°®}{®°®}{®°®}
Thank you so much!
You were rewarded with Necklace of Ice & +200 Skill Points.{®°®}{®°®}{®°®}
Thank you so much!
You were rewarded with Necklace of Fire & +200 skill points.{®°®}{®°®}{®°}
Thank you so much!
You were rewarded with Necklace of Ice & +200 Skill Points.{®°®}{®°®}{®°®}
Thank you so much!
You were rewarded with Necklace of Fire & +200 skill points.{®°®}{®°®}{®°}
Units Killed: | 127,098 |
PvP Wins: | 38 |
PvP Losses: | 53 |
Tasks: | 2 |
PvP Round Ranking: | #15 |
Country: France
Last login: 2024-10-07 18:53
Registration: 2013-08-01 09:08

Country: France
Last login: 2024-10-07 18:53
Registration: 2013-08-01 09:08