vlak 104 Druid

Seen 783 dae gelede @ Gaia #1
 The Legion of the Damned 

Rank: #3121
~Its too bad that stupidity isn't painfull !~
~Life is an echo-
what you send out- comes back
what you give- you get
what you see in others- exist in you!
~Perfect quote of mankind- 'however often you may have done a favor, if you once refuse , they forget everything except your refusal!
~Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark........!~

.dreamer: ### crystal_dragon ###

13-10-01 00:21
» Troeteldiere
Eenhede dood gemaak:   57,459
gewen gevegte:   13
verlore stryd:   6
Taake:   0
Server #2 ranking:   #1
Land: -
Laaste aanmelding: 2023-01-28 18:02
registrasie: 2013-07-31 19:13