Level 145 Supreme Death Angel

Seen 93 days ago @ Gaia #1

Ranking: #253
Just 1 of few survivors from Planet Martis.. Big thanks to astro_world, argos & -_deadshot_- im having great time there ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Earth Lord Ace (10) Congratulations! You KILLED Earth Lord!
Experience: +1.20 billion ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆𝚀𝚄𝙴𝚂𝚃 𝙾𝙵 𝙳𝙰𝚃𝚄𝙽⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Bring the evidence that you are capable of killing the enemies lurking around and the city of Datun will reward you in exchange. Quest of Datun
Thank you so much!
You were rewarded with +100 skill points.
» Pets
Quests:   666
Units Killed:   26,713
PvP Wins:   55
PvP Losses:   44
Tasks:   0
PvP Round Ranking:   #29
Class Ranking:   #2
Martis Ranking:   #10
Country: Germany
Last login: 2024-06-19 04:59
Registration: 2020-01-10 21:56