Level 39 Paladin

Seen 1733 days ago @ Gaia #1
A piece of Arctic boots (#3)
A piece of Blastbark (#2)
A piece of Bone crusher (#1)
A piece of Demon head (#1)
A piece of Forest boots (#3)
A piece of Gold skin (#1)
A piece of Imperial sword (#1)
A piece of Jungle scythe (#2)
A piece of Jungle scythe (#3)
A piece of Keeper's helm (#3)
A piece of Lance guard (#3)
A piece of Mighty armor (#2)
A piece of Mighty armor (#3)
A piece of Pelta lunata (#3)
A piece of Poison mail (#3)
A piece of Skull collector (#3)
A piece of Sparkling mail (#3)
A piece of Steel clash (#1)
A piece of The centurion (#3)
A piece of The chieftain (#2)
A piece of The chieftain (#3)
A piece of Undead wrath (#2)
A piece of Undead wrath (#3)
A piece of Worm skull (#1)
A piece of Zweihander (#1)
A piece of Zweihander (#3)
Units Killed:   504
PvP Wins:   0
PvP Losses:   7
Tasks:   0
Country: -
Last login: 2019-08-20 10:42
Registration: 2019-05-05 02:32