Level 101 Amazon

Seen 1241 days ago @ Gaia #1

Ranking: #3676
Ceida is the youngest member of the clan, and for the amazon, has always represented hope and the possibility of a future. Her birth is shrouded in mystery: how could a little girl be born to an island made up of only women? For this reason, she is loved, mothered and practically worshipped by all the clan members. They over-protect her and categorically refuse to let her leave the island …but of course, she’s not going to listen to them…
Quests:   140
Units Killed:   21,345
PvP Wins:   19
PvP Losses:   146
Tasks:   0
PvP Round Ranking:   #30
Class Ranking:   #6
Country: -
Last login: 2021-10-28 12:43
Registration: 2021-07-02 16:02