Level 101 Malaikat Kematian Barbarian

Terlihat 640 hari yang lalu @ Gaia #1
 Fire Team Cody 
Rank: #3665
hii, my name is drake. im farly new to this game compared to others, this game is fun and a challenge. If i can I'd like to talk people that have info about the game, the machanics and tricks to get ahead of the game since I dont pay for CR that help you in the game, inany case. see you soon. Oh, i allmost forgot, if your name online is milen ace, then you found me, took you long enough lol.
» Peliharaan
Quests:   64
Monster yang dibunuh:   5,013
Jumlah menang pertarungan:   0
Jumlah kalah pertarungan:   0
Tugas:   0
Negara: Mexico
Terakhir login: 2023-06-20 17:51
Pendaftaran: 2021-07-15 03:30