Level 82 Druid

Seen 1260 days ago @ Gaia #1
Archdevil's Wonder shield [Rare]
Archi Magis leader's Queen's husk
Archi Magis leader's Queen's husk [Uncommon]
Battle Dwarf's Amulet
Battle Dwarf's Ring
Battle Dwarf's Ring
Blood Minotaur's Soulburn
Cavalier's Gothic shield
Champion's The ward
Chaos hydra's Beastmaster garb [Uncommon]
Chaos hydra's Sparkling mail [Uncommon]
Dragolich's Greaves [Epic]
Emerald (Level 4)
Ghost Behemoth's Earth crafter
Gods' Relentless amulet [Uncommon]
Magic scroll
Recipe of Magister's station [Rare]
Titan's Elven battlemage cowl [Uncommon]
Titan's Eternal beauty [Uncommon]
Wyvern monarch's Arctic boots [Uncommon]
Wyvern monarch's Elven battlemage boots [Rare]
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