Level 132 Supreme Assassin

Seen 1131 days ago @ Gaia #1

Ranking: #642
"LITLE HISTORI OF FLORENTIN" me name is Florentin, im true amazon ,im born in amazon town gaia#2 2016-04-08 15:50 , me granfather is SHERN loyal paladin,me father is SHAURON newbie necromancer.im,young, newbie and poor boy life in the hardcore server i just have 300c for defend and get rank im never thinking if i can get me rank,but because me work hard for this i can get it,now im be come death angel .me granfather and me father dream. "FLORENTIN"
» Pets
Quests:   369
Units Killed:   56,446
PvP Wins:   381
PvP Losses:   176
Tasks:   4
PvP Round Ranking:   #66
Class Ranking:   #12
Country: Uruguay
Last login: 2021-04-28 13:54
Registration: 2016-04-08 15:05