Niveau 92 Druid

Seen Il y a 1381 jours @ Gaia #1

LOL :) ----- Buying-: H.D or just Vigilant hauberk 2x io . LOT wirmskin cowl 2x io . God' the wardlord crest sol'amn or some like that :) . Wardlord sign/thread n drgon eye 2x ko or sol also H.B F.ward or just F.ward w good rune pm me '_'
» animaux de compagnie
Unités tué:   33,367
batailles gagnées:   17
batailles perdues:   11
Tâches:   10
pays: Israel
dernière connexion: 2021-06-16 20:59
Inscription: 2013-12-22 18:33